NEPA Manufacturers and Employers Association (MAEA) held their Annual Excellence Awards Dinner on May 2, 2023. The event was held at Mountain Valley, Barnesville, PA.
MAEA provided each company with a plaque for their accomplishments during 2022. In addition, the companies were provided awards and recognition from Federal and State Legislators, the Pennsylvania Manufacturers Association, the National Association of Manufacturers and Schuylkill County Commissioners. S.T.S. representatives Krista Riedel and Larry Padora were in attendance and received the awards on behalf of everyone at S.T.S.
Other recipients of the Manufacturers Excellence Awards: Mrs. T’s Pierogies – Community Involvement, Bear Ridge Machine & Fabrication Inc. – Process Improvement, Keystone Potato Products & Sterman Masser Inc.—Product Innovation, Clearly Clean Products LLC – Expansion and PFNonwovens LLC – Expansion. Recipients of the Employers Excellence Awards: Lehigh Valley Hospital-Schuylkill – Community Involvement, Romark Logistics —Expansion, and St. Luke’s Occupational Medicine—EHS—Environmental, Health & Safety. Recipient of the 9th Annual Commitment Award: MI Windows & Doors. Congratulations to all NEPA MAEA Excellence Awards winners!